In all my years in the world of consumer tech, one of the most exciting experiences I have seen is Virtual Reality. VR provides an immersive viewing experience by allowing allows users to move their heads up, down and in full 360 degrees while watching a video. It’s the closest thing to really teleporting into a virtual world. Using a 360 degree video capture device like the V.360 camera, a pair of VR goggles and a VR capable application viewers can immerse themselves and others in experiences such as a concert, a black diamond skiing slope, a vacation or family event.
Although a Star Trek like holodeck experience is not possible (yet), there are some amazing use cases for VR. A recent example comes from Gannett’s online news site,, which just announced that it will be using our V.360 camera to capture the Cincinatti Reds baseball season in 360 degrees. Working with the Digital Team at USA TODAY, Reds fans can also view the experience in VR with their proprietary VR Stories application (available here).
Immersive news could be a real driver for adoption of 360 video and VR. Furthermore, now that Google Cardboard goggles and other 3rd party compatible googles are running around $20, VR can be enjoyed by anyone. Check out what plans to do with VR and lets support the future of immersive video!